Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Enough Already!

Can I just say how over this mosque controversy in New York City I really am!?

We really need to move on from religious persecution in this free nation of ours, people. The Muslim world did not attack us on September 11th. It was a few lost souls with misguided views and hatred in their hearts. Let's not follow that sad example...

If tomorrow a bunch of radical Christians went into a public place and killed hundreds upon thousands of people for some misguided ideals and warped views, we wouldn't stop a church from being built down the street from that mall 10 years from then, would we? No, we certainly wouldn't. And if we did, people would be up in arms, and rightfully so.

In the same way, we need to look out for our Muslim brothers and sisters in this country. They have just as much right and freedom to practice their faith in this free country of ours as any other person or religious group, and we need to give them that decency and respect.

So to all these politicians and fear-mongers who are stirring up national controversy over a local issue that shouldn't BE an issue, please stop talking for your own sake.

For families who lost loved ones on 9/11, I cannot imagine the pain you have gone through and I can understand mixed feelings over something like this. Still, I would ask you to put this in perspective and look at it through a lens of tolerance and love. No one group of people did this to you, but rather a few misguided souls.

May all of us, especially those who follow Christ, be a bridge between the Muslim communities and the America we take so much pride in. We need to set the tone and be the example for love.

Just my two cents...needed to get that off my chest!

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