Monday, May 2, 2011

Loving a Terrorist

So I haven’t posted now in quite some time, but every so often something begs of me to respond.

By now the whole world is aware of the assassination of Osama bin Laden. If not, you may live under a rock. 24/7 the news media has begun covering this event, and spontaneous celebrations of people have filled the streets of Washington D.C. and New York City, among countless other places in our country.

Almost immediately upon hearing this announcement, I began to hear over and over again the words of Jesus in Matthew 5. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”, “Do not resist an evil person”, “Do not repay evil for evil”.

Osama bin Laden was no doubt a mass murderer, and deranged terrorist, and someone with immense hatred in his heart. He killed thousands of innocent people and spent his entire life plotting attacks on innocent men, women, and children. There was no doubt justice that needed to be served. But whose justice? What does justice look like? Is killing someone who killed someone just? Does it look like love? Does it look like Jesus? Can we honestly use violence for peace and then in the next breath say “May God bless America”? And if we do, will He?

Please don’t brand me as anti-American, unpatriotic, or a sympathizer of terrorists. Certainly Osama bin Laden deserved to be punished, locked away in a cold prison cell for the rest of his life. But are we accomplishing peace if the means to that end is violence? And if we do, can we claim it as just? As good? As Godly?

May God have mercy on us when we rejoice in the killing of another, even a terrorist. If terrorists are beyond redemption, then St. Paul and the writings in over half of the New Testament should be burned immediately. To say someone is beyond love, beyond God’s redemption…well, that doesn’t sound very Christ-like at all.

Is it a good thing that bin Laden can no longer hurt or kill innocent people? Of course. Is it worth the compromise of integrity and justice? I don’t believe so.

As the world and much of America celebrates the murder of a murderer, may we as follows of Christ remember that by grace we all have been saved, and that all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but by His love and grace.
