Friday, October 22, 2010

Held Accountable?

Maybe this is the socialist in me (haha!), but does anyone else in the world think that it’s absolutely ridiculous that Hollywood stars, professional athletes, and entertainment folk on a large scale make enough money for entire nations to survive on, and yet in an economic time such as ours, and in a world with so much unemployment, widespread hunger, and poverty, that it’s somehow ok for Kim Kardashian to have a diamond studded birthday cake that's worth over $1 million?! Or is it ok that athletes wear outfits that could pay for an entire families sustainable income a thousand times over?

I confess, I along with most people give these entertainers my business, my attention, and my approval simply in the way I go to movies, buy tickets to a football game, or buy someone’s new album on I-Tunes. As a generation of social networking, we’ve become more infatuated with celebrity than at any other time in our history. We follow them around, take their pictures, spot them at airports, dress and act like they do, and aspire to live up to their impossible standards and lifestyles.

So why in times like these do we wonder why times like these are so difficult? We are the catalyst for our society’s own demise. After reading more and more articles and ads about what celebrities do with their money (and how they waste it), I have become fed up and want to see change, to demand change, and to take ownership of the way I fund this madness (the Kim Kardashian cake thing was the LAST straw!!)

So here is what I’m asking from all of you (because this is too big to just vent about, and I’m frankly sick of talking)- I want each of you to come up with a practical way that we can stand up as one voice and call out the overly lavish and ridiculous spending of Hollywood America and celebritydom (or dumb…haha!) I want us to hold the rich and powerful accountable for their spending, and demand that this country be better with its resources and blessings.

When there are millions of starving and dying people around the globe, a $1 million birthday cake sounds pretty messed up!
